Women in Leadership

Women in Leadership

While the world is making progress in many aspects of gender equality, female representation in leadership continues to be a cause for concern.

According to a report from Pew Research, only 26 women are in CEO roles at Fortune 500 companies, making up 5.2% of the female population.

Recently, a series of researches brought a clear message: more women in key decision-making positions delivers better company performance, greater productivity and greater profitability.

So, what are the main challenges facing female leaders?

  • Managing work-life balance
  • Gender equality and stereotyping
  • Managing defensiveness
  • Managing the double bind of women in leadership
  • Dealing with emotions and negative thoughts
  • Tackling Imposter Syndrome and self-doubt

The covid pandemic is hitting female’s leaders hard. The challenge of managing family demands and a career made many women leave the workforce at much higher rates than men. It became crucial, more than ever, that organizations make intentional efforts to invest in retention and support of talented female leaders.

Our Women in Leadership is a coaching program that offers a safe space to share personal challenges, to explore, for self-awareness. The program is designed to empower women, to unleash their leadership potential, to explore their leadership style, to challenge and above all, support.

Program Structure

Our regular engagement is three months long, with weekly meetings and, when required, stakeholder alignment meetingsand progress evaluations.Sessions are currently held via zoom.

The program includes:

  • 12 x 1.5hr weekly 1:1 individual coaching sessions
  • 5 x 30min emergency laser coaching sessions (last minute support you may need – sessions can be held in flexible times)

It may also include 360 leadership assessment when required. It is important to notice that the program can be tailor-made as per the organization needs.

The program also includes the following assessments:

  • Hogan Personality Inventory – measures how people behave on a day-to-day when they are at their best;
  • Hogan Development Survey – identifies personality-based derailers that can limit career potential
  • Hogan Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory – measures core values, goals and interests that determine satisfaction and drive careers
  • NBI Thinking profile

Women Leaders Group Coaching

Group Coaching typically consists of a small number of women leaders from different parts of the organization who meet on a regular basis to engage and share about a diverse range of topics. It brings the coaching conversation into a small group context, which delivers an intimate conversation space focused on sharing experiences, goal setting, acting and accountability. Participants benefit from peer learning and the “collective wisdom” of the group. This kind of practice is also known to reduce anxiety and stress and increase resilience.

Engaging in constructive dialogue about leadership, challenges and opportunities will encourage collaboration among women leaders and further the development of productive peer connections and support within the organization. Women empowering women, these relationships create a valuable network across an organization, leveraging and scaling women leadership skills across different business groups.