Team Coaching

Team Coaching

“Teamwork is not a virtue. It is a choice—and a strategic one. ” – Patrick Lencioni

The Five Behaviors Programme

The Five Behaviours of a Cohesive Team™ has a simple goal: to facilitate a learning experience that helps professionals, and their organisations discover what it takes to build a truly cohesive and effective team. The Five Behaviours profile, which provides both individual and team feedback, is grounded in the model described in The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, the internationally best-selling leadership story by Patrick Lencioni. With this programme, participants will learn how, as a team, they score on the key components of the model:

The programme is powered by Everything DiSC®, a self-assessment profile that helps individuals to understand themselves and others better. Using these results, participants will be able to create a better, stronger team.

The Five Behaviours of a Cohesive Team™ helps members balance their individual workplace styles with an appreciation of those of other members.

A team functions well beyond co-existence, achieving business results when members learn to master The FiveBehaviours.

Participants will come out of the program not just with a knowledge of the model and of how the team is currently performing (based on the assessment), but also with concrete ideas of where the team needs to focus its energy moving forward. Bringing together everyone’s personalities and preferences to form a cohesive, productive team takes work, but the payoff can be huge—for individuals, for the team, and for the organization.

The Programme


Each member of the team will need to complete an online Five Behaviours DiSC assessment. This profile results in a 36 page, highly personalised report for both the individual and the team and forms the foundation for the programme.


The Five Behaviours program is designed to be as flexible as possible, and is constructed in a modular format, the content of which links to each of the stages of the model.

The content for each stages of the model follows a similar format, which includes:

  • An introduction and definition of each of the layers, including video descriptions and explanations from the programme’s author, Patrick Lencioni
  • A review of this team’s results produced by the self-assessment questionnaire
  • Reflection and group discussion to fully understand the results and to provide context
  • Small group activities, where appropriate, to demonstrate some of the behavioursand reinforce the key messages
  • Clear action planning to determine the next steps/actions to be taken to work on the key areas and maintain those that are reported as strong.


Following the workshop, it is imperative that the conversations continue to ensure that theagreed changes to the team’s behaviour and operating practices are implemented andembedded. The action planning that falls out of the workshop will provide focus for this.‘

In addition, it is recommended that a follow-up assessment is generated, and a reviewworkshop held, approximately six months later, which will provide tangible data relating tothe team’s progress against each of the Five Behaviours.

The Five Behaviors ®: Virtual Facilitation

As a result of the sudden transition to working remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic, team leaders everywhere are facing the challenges to support and motivate a cross-functional, virtual team.

In order to address this new reality, we have adapted the regular program to an interactive virtual mode.

The Team Development Program- Hogan

The program is based on the Hogan Team Report and is designed to help team members gain a holistic, personality-based understanding of team strengths, weaknesses, and culture, and to understand how members’ personalities and motivators may support or hinder team effectiveness in light of the team’s character, business, context, and goals.

The following assessments are included in the Team and individual report:


The Bright Side
Assesses normal personality as it relates to success in a job or career


The Dark Side
Assesses 11 patterns of behaviors that can lead to career derailment


The Inside
Assesses core values related to organization and career fit and to the culture created by the leader

The program includes:

  • Hogan Team Report
  • Hogan Individual Assessments
  • Team Workshop
  • Individual Coaching Sessions
  • Team Progress Workshop ( 3-6 months after the 1rst Workshop)

The Hogan Team Report help teams and their leaders to answer the following questions:

  • What mix of skills would help this team be successful?
  • Who will work best together?
  • What motives and values do we have in common?
  • What shared challenges might the team face?
  • How does the team handle changes? Is the team resilient?